Saturday, July 11, 2009

Why Does One Do a Blog?

I've often wondered why anyone would think that anyone else would want to read their blog? Not wanting to assume that all bloggers are self-centered, huge egocentric folks, I thought that maybe these people thought they had something that needed to be read and pondered. But, after reading several blogs, I've come to the conclusion that not everybody has something to say that would benefit others and I came to the conclusion that they are not all ego-maniacs. What I finally concluded was that the majority do a blog for self-expression. They use it as therapy - to get it of their chest so to speak. Another common use I found for blogging is keeping friends and family informed of the goings on in that individual's life. And, there are those that do try to perpetuate a message and an ideal. Some are worth reading; a lot aren't. Regardless of the reasons for a blog, I'm convinced that it is way of communicating that is here to stay - at least until the next fad.

So, why am I doing a blog? For all the reasons mentioned above. I'll keep friends and family informed, I'll get things off my chest, I'll write expressions of what's going through my mind, and I will put forth thoughts on politics, faith, culture, etc. Of course, everyone will want to read my blog.


  1. Hi Terry, As a new non-egocentric (hopefully) blogger myself, let me be the first person to comment on your first post. Good job! Look forward to more.

  2. Terry,

    I started mine kinda as an online journal - to be able to look back and see where I was spiritually at any given time. Yeah, maybe as a kinda therapy. I certainly needed it at the time.

    I've met some incredible people in the blogosphere - people that share my journey. We would feel lonely indeed if we had not/COULD not connect.
