Before I continue this very informative and groundbreaking discussion, allow me to provide a little background. My youngest daughter (age 12), Skylar, is a Type 1 diabetic. Her blood sugar level can plunge too low just as easily as it can spike too high when she is not careful with her insulin management. When her sugar level is at the bottom level of normal and dropping while she will be sleeping for the night, she needs to eat something that will be long-lasting in her system such as a protein or a dairy product. Now, back to the topic at hand.
As the both of us answered, “Yes?” to the infiltrating disturber of our slumber, Skylar informs us that, “My sugar is 83, dropping, and we are out of milk.” My wife answers, “How can we be out of milk? I just bought some.” Not necessarily the best response to a young master of sarcastic hilarity.
From the mouth of that 12-year old bundle of wisdom came the answer to today’s question, “Okay. Here’s how it works. If the gallon jug is empty and in the trash, you are out of milk.” Needless to say we went back to sleep chuckling after it trickled down from laughter. Oh, we did suggest an alternative to her.